Landmine Skier Squat - Sports Specific
Автор: Matt Price Длительность: 00:00:21
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Here's a variation on single leg landmine squats I came up with that i...
Лето Here's a variation on single leg landmine squats I came up with that is more towards the specific demands of the carving turn in skiing. The arced path of the bar in the landmine introduces a small element of lateral force production (while this remains primarily vertical), as well, the ability to manage the weight in front of the chest and "blocking" against the plates is what really distinguishes this exercise from other variations. The racers I work with that have used this exercise note the huge range of degrees of freedom available throughout. This is a key feature, as it challenges the athlete to remain in a balanced "front of the boot" position, fully engaged through the core/trunk, while producing lateral/vertical forces.
The set up is very simple. You need a block or angled plate to allow the ankle to remain relatively neutral. Also, a 2-3ft piece of 2 inch PVC pipe is slid over the end of the barbell to extend the bar.
Strong athletes will be challenged with as little as 40Kg.
Give it a try and let me know your thoughts!
*apologies for the annoying stock apple jingle!
The set up is very simple. You need a block or angled plate to allow the ankle to remain relatively neutral. Also, a 2-3ft piece of 2 inch PVC pipe is slid over the end of the barbell to extend the bar.
Strong athletes will be challenged with as little as 40Kg.
Give it a try and let me know your thoughts!
*apologies for the annoying stock apple jingle!
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