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Chris Bonington - one of the great mountaineers of the second half of ...
Лето Chris Bonington - one of the great mountaineers of the second half of the twentieth century - retraces the stories and adventures of a lifetime exploring and climbing the world’s mountains. “It feels like I’m still there…” explains Bonington, remembering those mountains and moments still so vivid and present in his mind. This is the starting point for a journey and a reflection that embraces the deepest, most noble but also contradictory sentiments of this mountaineer and man. His love for his wife and children, his decision to live for and from mountaineering, his friendships, the conquests but also the pain of the loss of so many friends become the story, touching and sincere, of a unique experience and research that never ends, just like all great passions. Directed by Vinicio Stefanello Cinematography by Francesco Mansutti - Raffaella Rivi Editing by Francesco Mansutti Executive producer General manager and translation by Nicholas Hobley Production Comune di Courmayeur - Centro Servizi Courmayeur srl Additional images and footage Chris Bonington Archive Music: Hold on by Tony Anderson, Dreamlife by Tony Anderson (, Painting Emotions by Gregor F. Narholz ( Special Thanks: Grivel
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