Rossignol Retox

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True Twin built for the park and the city, the RETOX Rossignol Snowboards is dedicated to all playgrounds. Even if its core has been slightly thinned between the feet to keep a maximum of contact in slide of hand rail, ledge, box, tables or other slidable objects, it is part of the most rigid boards of the collection, in particular in spatula and heel to pop all that comes, and its camber any length allows both to absorb the shocks of larger receptions and keep a good speed approaching kicker to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Целевая группа:
Уверенно катающиеся / Эксперты, спортсмены
Ростовки: 147 150 153 156
Радиус бокового выреза: 7.2 м (153)
Rocker / Camber: AmpTek Elite Rayon: Progressif Flex: Freestyle Twin Core: Wood 6420 Sole: Trench 4400
Рекомендуемая цена:
430 €
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