Ride Berzerker

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The new shape reduces the curvature of the spatulas and is slightly tapered to facilitate high-speed edge changes and floatation. The Quadratic curve radius has been designed to bring more stability and grip. Carbon Slimerods® 2.0 has carbon to gain pop and a slime-core core to stay fluid in reception. Like a Viking ship, the Berzerker is made to sail in deep water, carve the ice and give you the impression of riding in Valhalla, the paradise of Viking warriors.
Целевая группа:
Уверенно катающиеся
Ростовки, см: 153 156 159 162
Радиус бокового выреза: 5.14, 8, 4.60 м (159)
Рекомендуемая цена:
529 €
Где купить: