Gnu 4x4
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Forest Bailey is a complete rider... his skateboarding roots make him street-smoking, his mastery of East Coast ice makes him an incredible carver, and his love of the outdoors takes him to the big mountains. A decade of experience and experimentation in board design has resulted in this magical, freestyle-focused, floaty-nosed, minimal-lean, directional all-mountain. Own the trails and ride anywhere in the wilderness. Forest Bailey's two-board quiver racks up the clips... it's a true all-mountain masterpiece.
Целевая группа:
Уверенно катающиеся / Эксперты, спортсмены
Ростовки, см: 157 160
Радиус бокового выреза: 8.4 м (157)
Рекомендуемая цена:
600 €
Где купить: